Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Auditing SharePoint 2007 List/ Library

Auditing documents/ list items in SharePoint 2007 is a 3 step process :

1) Create Site Collection Policy
- Go to Site Actions ->Modify all Site Settings - >Site Collection Policies
- Create new policy -> Provide Name and Enable Auditing
- Select Events you would like to audit -> Click OK

2) Set up the Document Library / List which requires auditing
- Go to List Settings of Document Library you would like to audit
- Click on Information Management Policy Settings
- Under use site collection policy , select the policy you had defined in first step
- Click Ok

At this point you library / list is set for auditing and any action will be logged .

3) Viewing the results
- Go to Site Actions ->Modify all Site Settings - >Audit log Reports
- Under Custom Reports click on "Run a custom report "
- Select checkbox "Restrict this Report to " and select corresponding web application and list name
- You can select various filters (start date , end date , users ), though these are optional but its better to use them as they improve the report performance
- Select the events you would like to see the report for and click ok
- Voila ! you have the details reports with worksheet displaying the activity and usernames ,you have to use the filter to zero down to required data. UserNames can be accessed worksheet named"Report Data". Event column will display the action performed on a particular item

Enjoy !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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