Friday, October 10, 2008

This page has encountered a critical error. Contact your system administrator if this problem persists.

ERROR:"An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately. "

Do you get this error in your sharepoint site ?

Just one bad day you come in to see that your main page is bombing due to this error with no proper clue .Well it happened to me and i had no idea what went wrong.After lot of research i found something.

I had "?" marks all over my web.config file , which even erased some of characters.

Solution :

Search for "?" in web.config and start fixing the character in the file. I would suggest replace the web.config (obviously retain the custom entry ) with working one , i replaced my web .config with a working one and Volla!!! it worked for me .

In short the culprit is web.config and not SharePoint installation.


If this helps do leave comments , i would like to know how many SharePointeers got into this issue. :-)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Restricting MySite Create Access in MOSS 2007

Ever thought of restricting the MySite creation access and to allow very few user to create there personal site ?
Then this is for you :

Open Shared Service Provider Administration Page and click on link as shown in image to specify the access level of users .

Do leave message if this helps you. It's good to know i am not the only one having this requirememt :)

Gray Failures: What is it and how to detect one?

If you are reading this article , i guess you are curious to know about gray failures and different methods to detect gray failures.  Hopefu...