Friday, September 15, 2023

Gray Failures: What is it and how to detect one?

If you are reading this article , i guess you are curious to know about gray failures and different methods to detect gray failures. 

Hopefully this article will give you insight on question in your mind.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

How to select the best machine learning service in AWS


If you looking for directional information on how to select an Machine learning algorithm, check the below blog.   The blog i wrote though is specific for manufacturing but it can provide direction on different use cases

Testing AWS Cloudformation Template

 Very interesting tool to test the cloud formation templates. Check it out 


Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Tranformation in Manufacturing

 Do you want to know how CPG industry  is undergoing transformation using IoT technology, read the blogs on how AWS partners are using AWS technologies to build solutions for CPG industry

Friday, October 21, 2022

Wednesday, September 07, 2022


Are you getting the below error when sening data to IoT Core using the "AWSIoTPythonSDK." ?

Here is my error :

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/AWSIoTPythonSDK/", line 520, in connect
    return self._mqtt_core.connect(keepAliveIntervalSecond)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/AWSIoTPythonSDK/core/protocol/", line 199, in connect
    raise connectTimeoutException()

The below can be reason for  this issue

1- You have not defined policy to allow the sending message to the IoT Core topic. If that is the case create a policy for the "Thing"

You need to define

  Publish/Subscribe policy 

Connect and Publish Policy


If the policies are defined than check the active version of policy, In my case old policy was active


2- Make the latest one active  

 Check this  under your "Thing" policy settings:



 Hopefully one of it works. Leave comment if it does help



Gray Failures: What is it and how to detect one?

If you are reading this article , i guess you are curious to know about gray failures and different methods to detect gray failures.  Hopefu...