Monday, October 01, 2007

Server error: This item cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by other pages

You might get this error when you try to delete from the _catalogsmasterpage directory ,. Microsoft has provided a solution which doesn't look convincing at all :

check :

I used a different method:
  • Open the Master gallery in Explorer view
  • Create a Directory named "Delete"
  • Cut all the un-wanted Master Pages and paste it inside the "Delete" directoty
  • Delete the "Delete" Directory

And you got rid of all the unwanted pages .


Anonymous said...

Thanks! This works great.

Anonymous said...

brilliant - thanks

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

hurray! it works! thank you

Osama Desoukey said...

Thanx man ;)

Cantellay said...

Thanks a bunch, much better than the Microsoft Hotfix, if they can even call it that.

Anonymous said...

Nice lateral thinking solution - thanks!

Anonymous said...

Simple and great method!
It works good!

Anonymous said...

Saved me a lot of frustration...

Anonymous said...


Giotz said...

Good times, thanks for this.

You can also do this in SharePoint Designer (Much faster than explorer view).

Right Click on the "masterpage", create a new folder, drag pesky files to folder then delete folder.

Matthias Fonteyne said...

No way. This is too simple to be true. Thanks!

Unknown said...

What if you're wanting to do this at the MOSS level? The Master Page Gallery there doesn't have an Explorer View.

Rags Iyer said...
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Rags Iyer said...

Hi Talleywacker,

When you say MOSS level , did you meant WSS?
You can achieve the same using SharePoint Designer too(worth a try)

Unknown said...

To do this at the MOSS level: I had several master pages I was testing with. I could not delete them because of the bug in MOSS 2007. So, I renamed the master page from "abc.master" to "abc.mastex". When I did this I received a message that the page will be unusable. I clicked ok and the master was renamed. Then I deleted it without any problems!

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