Friday, October 05, 2007

CSS not working on LinkButton

This was my issue , i had defined link button in like this :

_linkNewIncident = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton();
_linkNewIncident.Text = "Creat New Incident";
_linkNewIncident.Click += new EventHandler(linkNewIncident_Click);
_linkNewIncident.CssClass = "HelpDeskLink";

and corresponding CSS as :
.HelpDeskLink { color:white ; font-weight :bolder ; font-size :x-small ; }

.HelpDeskLink a { color:white ; font-weight :bolder ; font-size :x-small ; }

when i ran the application , my links were still blue and was not reflecting any CSS behaviour which is supposed to be white as per my CSS :-(

After some search i got the solution .

Solution : Define "CSS Pseudo-classes"

I modified my CSS style class to the following and it worked ..

color:white ;
font-weight :bolder ;
font-size :x-small ;

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