Tuesday, January 07, 2014

MVC / MVP / MVVM design pattern. What's the difference?

Classic discussion very much prevalent  in architecture community. Though the concepts are quite old now and there are numerous applications build using design patterns, i hear the confusion of these patterns even today.

It's much easier to do white boarding and explain but for some of my readers, i keep getting an email to share an article. Well found one really good webcast from Joe homnick wherein a sample is converted to explain multiple patterns:

Check this out :
http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechEd/NorthAmerica/2011/DPR305 [ Its a old tech end presentation but am sure my readers will appreciate this one]

By the way it also explains the scenario to use such patterns and to my SharePoint geek frds, i hope you are following the MVP.

Let me know your thoughts after listening to this one.

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