Well here is one way :
- Open command prompt and go to c:\windows\assembly\gac
- Required dll will be in form of a directory, change directory to to the dll (cd {dll name})
- Check directory for folder name (dir)
- Change directory to folder with long name
- You will get the dll in this folder
- Run copy command to copy to your desired directory
Great Post and hack too :)
Does this actually work? When I try to CD into any of the "Directories" in C:\windows\assmebly I get "The system cannot find the path specified.". Windows XP SP3. Thanks :)
Theres a FREE tool to extract dll's from the GAC. You can download it over at:
FREE GAC Extractor
A great tool and completely free. Worth a look.
Open the Command Prompt and Type :
cd c:\windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL
xcopy . C:\GacDump /s /y
This should give the dump of the entire GAC.
I found the following link useful as well:
Hope this helps.
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